
James' Mother Beat Others And Also Was Charged With Contempt Of Court Judge With $2500 Fine

James uneasy cent of mother lattice los leah has got into trouble again! Beijing time on September 13, according to south Florida "the sun sentry, reported, James mother lattice los leah in beating after the waiter refused to attend the trial, the judge was angry, and a fine chim mother 2500 us dollars, and ordered her trial next time must be returned to Miami 48 hours in advance.
     Last year, the mother of James lattice lolly in Miami Fontainebleau hotel were arrested, the reason is she and a valet parking waiter had an argument, and beating the waiter, lattice los leah was beating the waiter was the reason for the other party to let her have to wait too long.
    After the event, one who had been slapped got waiter bring James mother to court, but that the mother of big shop sign of court summons, refused to attend court trial. It makes the judge break into a furious rage, Miami court judge Alan recently announced a $2500 fine for chim mother, and ordered her to the next trial 48 hours in advance to return to Miami. "She must be responsible for this matter," Allen said.

     James mother lattice los leah was a single mother, James today don't know his biological father who is. After becoming famous in James, James's mother will keep James ran trouble, not only with James teammates out sex scandal, but also once riots were arrested. 

